Romans on the Rampage!

Romans on the Rampage!

Mr Adby from the Partake Theatre Company came into school to spend a whole day looking at the topic of ancient Rome and the Roman culture with KS2. Everyone had a great day looking at ancient Roman artifacts and trying to work out what they were for, copying Roman...
An Edwardian Seaside Adventure

An Edwardian Seaside Adventure

Class 1 have been experiencing life at the seaside during Edwardian times! The children discovered both similarities and many differences between their own seaside experiences and those of Edwardian children and adults. The girls strolled along the promenade as...
Remembrance Day 2020

Remembrance Day 2020

Each year, we take time to mark Remembrance Day with our pupils. Each year group learns about the lives of our servicemen & women and takes part in activities in the classroom and outside of it, to commemmorate the efforts and the sacrifices of those who went to...

We have a vacancy for a SENCo. More details.