Lunch Menu
Please click the link below to download a PDF of the most recent lunch menu.
Vegetarian options are available each day although they are not listed on the menu. The vegetarian option is simply a vegetarian/meat substitute equivalent of whatever the standard option is each day.
Download the current menu (updated Apr 2024)
Winter menu (from 4th Nov 2024)
All children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to Universal Infant Free School meals, this mean school dinners are free. When your child moves in to Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 6) dinners cost £2.55 each.
If you are eligible for Free School Meals you do not need to pay. To find out more about Free School Meals and Milk please have a look at the Nottinghamshire County Council website Free school meals and milk | Nottinghamshire County Council.
You can apply on line, full details are on the website. Free milk is available to all children under the age of 5 and children who have free school meals. You must register your child to receive free milk which is done online on the Nottinghamshire County Council website. Go to the page linked above and scroll to the bottom.
Dinners must be ordered and paid for in advance using SchoolMoney. Children having packed lunches should be registered on SchoolMoney in advance too. Parents are sent log in details when your child starts at Willoughby, you can then use the free app or the SchoolMoney website. Dinners and packed lunches can be ordered or registered on SchoolMoney up to midnight the day before and half a term in advance.
If you have any questions at all, please contact the School office.