This fast paced energetic mixture of drumming, keep fit and dance is great to get all the pupils moving on these cold dark days in January and February.

Jake motivates everyone with his enthusiasm and drumming expertise and the children love it!

The routines are set to music and include marching, squatting and jumping. The children even learn a few drumbeats, including the strangely named ‘paradiddle’!

Izzy A says, “I love Drumba because it’s fun and you get to hit the pads as hard as you like!”

This is our 5th Year of doing Drumba and it is as popular as ever. Although slightly delayed this year due to the National lockdown, it is a great antidote to the January/February blues lifting moods, energy levels and fitness when we most need it.

It is a mixture of dance routines, drumming skills and fitness based around a mix of popular music. The children (and staff) love it!


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