KS1 and Reception visits Rushcliffe Country Park as part of KS1’s Science topic focusing on different habitats and Reception’s minibeasts and where to find them theme.

On entering woods the children experienced the coolness and calm whilst listening to the birds singing. They discussed the type of habitat woods provide and what they could find here. They then built an array of excellent homes for bugs, badgers, rabbits, foxes and nests for birds out of the natural materials located around them They were then challenged to build a camouflaged shelter for themselves!

The afternoon was time for the pond dipping investigation. They were excite to find pond snails, water beetles and best of all huge dragonfly nymphs. After saw the children carefully turning over logs, and stones to find a myriad of tiny creatures and some rather large fat slugs!

Before leaving hammocks were hung between the trees for every child to lie back in and look up through the tree canopy and reflect.

A fantastic day of learning was had by all.