Music Lessons News

Lessons in the ukelele, piano & guitar are now available through our partnership with MG Music Tuition and lessons in drumming via our partnership with Rockley Music. If your child is interested in learning the ukulele, guitar or piano, please download the...
Willoughby Sings ‘Whatever the Weather’

Willoughby Sings ‘Whatever the Weather’

For the second year running, all of the children have put on a fantastic concert of singing, poetry saying, dance and drama to entertain parents. This year the theme was ‘Whatever the Weather’ . There were six different sections all based around types of...
Willoughby Sings the Musicals!

Willoughby Sings the Musicals!

We welcomed parents and friends to a whole school music event – as Willoughby sang songs from the shows! The evening began with a lively rendition of ABBA’s SOS, which really got the crowd in the musical mood. From year 6 to Reception, all our children...
Class 1 Rock Stars!

Class 1 Rock Stars!

This week, our reception and key stage 1 children have designed, made and played their own musical instruments out of everyday materials. Everyone worked hard to create an instrument to strum, blow, hit or shake. Once they were all completed, the class played along to...

We have a vacancy for a SENCo. More details.