The children and staff have really enjoyed their easter activities this week!

It’s a tradition at Willoughby School to hold an Easter bonnet parade. If they want to take part, the children design and make their own bonnet and wear it to school. They parade around the playground to show off their hats and this year Mrs Ledward was the judge; she chose one winner per class.

The winners were: Karl (R), Toby H (Y1), Lillie G (Y4), Evie J (Y6). Here are some photos of a few of the children’s entries:

Egg Rolling

Egg rolling is another very ‘Willoughby’ tradition! The children bring in a boiled egg and compete against their year groups to see who can roll their eggs closet to the X under the chair. The slope on the playground and the egg shape all add to the jeopardy!

Finally, we always have an egg decorating competition, which is another great Willoughby tradition!

Each child is provided with a polystyrene egg to decorate as per the theme of their class.

The themes this year were nursery rhymes for Reception, the Great Fire of London for KS1 and Coronavirus/lockdown for KS2.   

Mrs Laurence was the judge – she said it was SO hard to choose and that the standard of entry this year was particularly high. We put all the eggs outside school for all of the parents to look at after school.

We have a vacancy for a SENCo. More details.