Primary PE & Sports Premium
Please click here to go to our Policies page where you will find the PESSPA & other related PE documents
The following was updated July 2019 (to include requirement to report Y6 swimming and Evidencing the Impact’ document).
Along with all primary schools Willoughby Primary receives an annual PE and Sports Premium budget allocation. The vision of the Primary PE and School Sport Premium is as follows:
A measurable and sustained improvement in school PE and sport, underpinned by high quality teaching that increases participation levels in physical activity and leads to healthier pupils who are more engaged across the whole curriculum.
Each Primary school receives an amount based on the number of pupils on roll in Years 1-6 plus a core amount. At Willoughby Primary the level of our funding is £16320 for the academic year (2018/19). This sum is ‘ring-fenced’ and can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. During the year 2018/19 Governors decided to continue the hours of our Primary Link teacher (commencing September 2018), rather than employing a sports coach. Our spending was used to enhance the teaching and learning opportunities in PE and sport as follows:
- Increased hours for our Primary Link teacher to champion PE, deliver lessons and coordinate opportunities across the school (PLT)
- Rushcliffe School Sports Partnership fee
- Supply costs to cover for PLT meetings/professional development in PE/Sport
IMPACT: We have reviewed the impact of the grant and conclude that as a result of the extra funding the quality of PE teaching and learning has improved across the school. Pupils have benefitted from specialist coaching, which has allowed them to develop specific skills (e.g. in gymnastics and multi skills) and have developed their speed and agility. We then were able to increase the hours of our own Primary Link teacher to replace the need for an outside provider. These initiatives have led to improvements in curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities and increased levels of participation in sport and physical activity. Pupils’ attainment has improved (an excellent example is the high quality of dance produced over the past two years by Willoughby pupils at the Rushcliffe dance show.) Pupils who don’t always participate in competitions have been targeted to attend Boccia, which is hosted by our local secondary school. We achieved the School Games Silver mark for 2017/18 in recognition of all the sports, games and activities.
As of July 2019: 100% of Year 6 cohort achieved the requirements to:
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters.
- Use a range of strokes effectively.
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
In summary there has been:
- an increase in participation rates e.g. games, dance, gymnastics and athletics
- an increase and success in competitive school sports (e.g. 3rd in regional cricket comp)
- a more inclusive the physical education curriculum ( e.g. Boccia)
- provision after school sports some fee of charge
- a growth in the range of traditional and alternative sporting activities (e.g. Drumba)
- an improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners (Rushcliffe Partnership and work with The South Wolds Academy)
- Improved links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills greater awareness amongst pupils about the dangers of obesity, smoking and other such activities that undermine pupils’ health
- sustained high standards in pupil behaviour and engagement
PE & Sport Premium 2018/19
Allocation | £16320 (£6800 April 18-August 18 & £9520 Sept 18 – Mar 19)
Expenditure |
£4424 – Monday PE staffing costs
£4793 – Friday PE coaching costs
£1050 – Admin costs for sporting fixtures (letters, distribution of kit, lifts)
£1140 – Drumba: Physical movement to drum beat
£730 – Rushcliffe School Sport Partnership Buy in 2018/2019
£360 – Supply cover for PLT events
£240 – additional hours for TAs to support activities
£184 – storage of PE equipment/repairs to shed/fixing of basketball net
Remainder £3399 for:
- Supporting the continuation of PLT role
- CPD for staff
- Equipment e.g. top up balls etc
- Additional cover for fixtures
- One off events
- Related costs for Sports Day
- Salary uplift for PLT work as of 1/9/18
Key Information
Head Teacher: Mrs Joanne Linnett
Chair of governors: Stephen Marshall (
Type of School: County Primary Co-Educational Day School for 4-11 years
Contact Details
Address: Willoughby Primary School, Church Lane, Willoughby on the Wolds, LE126SS
Useful Links
Willoughby Primary School on the Ofsted website & the Parent View
Willoughby Primary School on the Dept. For Education website
Admissions: Standard reception criteria from Nottinghamshire CC