Willoughby on the Wolds Primary School is a small, friendly village school in an attractive environment. Our numbers fluctuate around 40-50 pupils on roll.
Please download our prospectus here.
View our Vision 2026 – Learning For Life.
At Willoughby Primary School, we pride ourselves on setting the highest standards and expectations for our pupils whilst celebrating success of all kinds and encouraging in them a ‘Learning for Life’. Our school is regularly amongst the top performing Primary Schools in the county; we also have a very high success rate for pupils who take entrance exams for independent schools in the area.
We are proud that Willoughby is a happy school with a friendly, family atmosphere, where we positively encourage the children to respect and care for each other. Small class sizes ensure that children’s individual needs are catered for. We are confident that your child will both enjoy and benefit from his or her education at Willoughby School.
Our School Sessions are from 9.00 am to 12.00 and from 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm. The teaching staff assumes responsibility for the children ten minutes before and after each school session. Midday supervisors are present over the lunch period to assist with our children’s welfare.
The school has good facilities, including three classrooms, one of which is a well resourced ICT area for the pupils. All classes have use of interactive whiteboards, which were installed as part of our ICT Vision plan.
Our excellent school meals are cooked at Keyworth Primary and Nursery School. Weekly menus are available for children to choose from. Children who bring sandwiches to school, eat with the rest of the school. In line with statutory requirements we provide free school meals to all children in Reception and Key Stage 1.
We use the village hall for a wide range of activities, which include movement, drama, gymnastics and indoor games; we are also very lucky to enjoy full use of the wonderful Willoughby’s Community Park (a short walk away), which is used for sporting activities and as a recreational facility in fine weather.
We have a text messaging service, which we operate from school. We use this to remind parents/carers of events, or to flag up any important notices.
At the end of Year 6, our children either transfer to South Wolds Community School or go on to one of the several excellent independent schools in the area.
Key Information
Head Teacher: Mrs Joanne Linnett
Chair of governors: Stephen Marshall (smarshall@willoughby.notts.sch.uk)
Type of School: County Primary Co-Educational Day School for 4-11 years
Contact Details
Address: Willoughby Primary School, Church Lane, Willoughby on the Wolds, LE126SS
Useful Links
Willoughby Primary School on the Ofsted website & the Parent View
Willoughby Primary School on the Dept. For Education website
Admissions: Standard reception criteria from Nottinghamshire CC